Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Biergarten in Dusseldorf (07.03.12)

Its been a while since my last post, but this is a catch up of the last two weeks.

The first big adventure was two weekends ago on July 3rd.  I really wanted to try some traditional German food and a colleague in the lab knew a traditional restaurant in Dusseldorf, a city only 30 minutes away by train.  When we arrived in the city it was pretty typical of a major German city, lots of narrow streets packed with stores and the train station being the center of town.  However, because it was a weekday there weren't as many people shopping, but there were definitely a lot more people drinking.

A weekday in Dusseldorf; less shopping and more drinking.

When we arrived at the restaurant, there was definitely the strong smell of sauerkraut and roast pork.  Immediately my mouth started watering and my stomach started grumbling.  By the time the food came, I could hardly contain my hunger, but it was worth the wait.

Mmmmm!  I was definitely full after this meal!  The dish is called Schweinehexen (sp).

After the great big meal, it was time for some beer tasting.  The major beer in Dussedorf is called Alt and is seen in the picture above.  The drink doesn't have much of a bite, but makes up for it in its refreshing taste and fruity tones.  

A traditional barrel that they used to brew the beer.

My colleagues and I enjoying a nice Altbier.

This beer was purchased at a different brewery, different flavor and different emblem.

In total, my colleague took us to three different breweries, but because it was a weekend we couldn't try anymore.  Although, since Dusseldorf is so close I might go again.

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